Höhe (cm):
17,9Durchmesser (cm):
7,2Volumen (ml):
Das Profi Tasting Glas wurde für die professionelle Weinverkostung entwickelt. Doch auch als besonders kleines Weißweinglas macht es eine gute Figur. Das ca. 18cm hohe Stielglas wird vom renommierten Hersteller Spiegelau aus brillantem Kristallglas gefertigt. So kommen die Farben der verkosteten Weine unverfälscht zur Geltung.
Der renommierte Glashersteller Spiegelau hat das Profi Tasting Glas speziell für die Weinverkostung produziert. Mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 260ml ist es aber auch als sehr kleines Weißweinglas nutzbar.
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Glass manufacturer Spiegelau looks back on a successful history of more than 500 years in the art of glass production. Today, drinking glasses and related products from Spiegelau are used throughout the catering and hotel industry. They are appreciated by bartenders and guests all over the world for their perfect balance of elegance and functionality. From robust glasses for demanding environments to extremely thin goblet glasses for wine lovers, all Spiegelau products are made of brilliant crystal glass. There is a Spiegelau glass for every occasion. Wine, beer and cocktail glasses are complemented by kitchen glassware, glass plates, bowls and vases.
Glass manufacturer Spiegelau looks back on a successful history of more than 500 years in the art of glass production. Today, drinking glasses and related products from Spiegelau are used throughout the catering and hotel industry. They are appreciated by bartenders and guests all over the world for their perfect balance of elegance and functionality. From robust glasses for demanding environments to extremely thin goblet glasses for wine lovers, all Spiegelau products are made of brilliant crystal glass. There is a Spiegelau glass for every occasion. Wine, beer and cocktail glasses are complemented by kitchen glassware, glass plates, bowls and vases.